Loaner Computers

When getting your computer fixed, you may still have work to do that can’t wait for several days. I’ve got you covered!

If I need to keep your computer for repair, I will give you a loaner that you can use to get your work done. You’ll have access to a guest account where you can do whatever you need to while you wait. Of course, it won’t have all your personal files and accounts — unless you’re able to put them on a flash drive or upload to the cloud first — but you can check your email, browse the web, write a paper, create spreadsheets, and more.

I can provide you with a laptop running Windows 11, Mac OS (latest), or Linux (Ubuntu or Pop! OS). This is a free service!

When your computer is fixed, return the laptop in working order* and you’re done! You should delete any personal information before returning it, but I wipe all data regardless.

*If there is any physical damage to the computer while in your possession, you will be charged for an equivalent replacement or repair.